This Little Known Chinese Herb Kills 12,000 Cancer Cells For Every Healthy Cell pod prevodom v slovenščino z BINGOM, je angleški original

Ta malo znana rastlina Kitajski ubija 12.000 rakave celice za vsakega zdravih celic
Danes, odds so, da so/ste raka, ali nekdo, ki ni vedel. V Kanadi, približno milijon Kanadčani, ki so bili živi v začetku leta 2009 so imeli raka diagnozo v zadnjih desetih letih. Dva od vsakih pet Kanadčani bo razvoj raka v svojem življenju čas, in eno na vsakih štiri bo umrl. (3) v Združenih državah, ena vsak dva moška in ena od kdaj treh žensk bo okužil z rakom.
Te stopnje so še naprej Poleteti uvis ker smo začeli snemanje njih in več ljudi so začeli postavljati vprašanja in opazovanje okolja, smo se odločili, da sami s surround na dnevni osnovi.
Kljub omenjenim statistikam, nove raziskave nastaja vsak dan, ki postavlja pod vprašaj v samo dveh Rab za raka, ki so sevanja in kemoterapije. Zdi se, da se približujemo času kjer je medicinska skupnost bo prisiljen odpirajo nove možnosti, ko gre za zdravljenje raka. Konec koncev, znanstveniki so odkrili, da rast raka kemoterapijo goriv in ubija, bolniku bolj hitro, vendar nič spremenilo, obe sta zelo strupen za človeško telo.
Malo znani kitajski zeliščni morda upravičeni do vedno seznam raka killers preko alternativne metode zdravljenja. Glede na študije, objavljene v ivljenju, črke rak in raku, artemesinin, derivat pelin rastlin, običajno uporabljajo v kitajski medicini, lahko ubije off rakave celice, in to v višini 12.000 rakave celice za vsakega zdravih celic. (0)
Spojina, ki uporablja raka celic apetit za železo, da jih ciljna sintetizira Henry Lai in njegova ekipa raziskovalcev iz Univerze v Washingtonu. Velika stvar o artemisininu je, da sam to lahko selektivno uničevanje rakavih celic, medtem ko zapušča normalnih celic Neozleđen.
“Sama po sebi artemisininu je približno 100-krat bolj selektivni pri uničevanju rakavih celic razliko od normalnih celic. Artemisininu je 34.000 krat močnejši pri uničevanju rakavih celic v nasprotju z njihovo normalno bratranci. Tako je postopek označevanja preprost se zdi, da imajo močno povečalo jakost na artemisininu raka-ubijanje lastnosti.”-Henry Lai
Kljub spojina bitje odobren Holley Pharmaceuticals, je še, da se uporablja za zdravljenje raka pri ljudeh.
“Mi call it a trojanski konj ker rakave celice prepozna transferina kot naravne, neškodljive beljakovin. Tako celico dvigne spojina ne vedo, da je bomba (artemisininu) skriven notri.”-Henry Lai
Ekstrakt pelina uporabljal več stoletij nazaj na Kitajskem v zdravilne namene. Zdravljenje sčasoma postala izgubljen in je zdaj odkrili zahvaljujoč antične rokopis, ki vsebujejo medicinska sredstev. To ubija 12.000 rakave celice za vsakega zdravih celic, kar pomeni, da bi preoblikovali drog z minimalnimi stranskimi učinki.
“Spojina je trenutno bitje odobren z Univerze v Washingtonu Artemisia biomedicinske Inc, podjetje, ki Lai, Sasaki in Narendra Singh, UW izredni profesor biotehnika, ustanovljena v Newcastle, Washington za razvoj in trženje. Človeških poskusov so vsaj nekaj let proč. Artemisininu je na voljo, je dejal Sasaki, in upa, da njihove spojine lahko sčasoma poceni izdelano za pomoč pri bolnikih z rakom v državah v razvoju.” (0)
Povzetki, ki se glasi:
“Artemisininu reagira z železom v obliki prostih radikalov, ki ubijajo celice. Ker rakave celice privzem relativno večje količine železa kot normalne celice, so bolj dovzetni za toksičnega učinka artemisininu. V predhodnih raziskav, smo pokazali, da artemisininu bolj posvetiti rakave celice kot normalne celice. V te raziskave, smo kovalentno priloženo artemisininu železa carying plazemski glikoprotein transferina. Transferin prevažali v celice preko receptorsko posredovano in rakave celice express bistveno več transferina receptorjev na površini celice in endocytose več transferina od normalnih celic. Tako smo hipotezo, da z označevanjem artemisininu na transferin, železa in artemisininu bi prevažati v rakave celice v enem paketu. Ko znotraj celice, železo se sprosti in lahko takoj reagira z artemisininu blizu označena na transferin. To bi okrepilo toksičnosti in selektivnost artemisininu do rakavih celic. Ugotovila da holotransferrin tagged artemisininu, v primerjavi z artemisininu, je bil zelo močan in selektiven pri uničevanju rakavih celic. Torej, ta “tagged-spojina” bi potencialno se razviti v učinkovito kemoterapevtiki agent za zdravljenje raka.” (1)
Še en abstraktni se glasi:
“Naši rezultati dokaže, da artemisininu motnje E2F1 transkripcijski faktor izražanja posreduje celičnega ciklusa aretacijo materino rakave celice in predstavlja kritično transkripcijski pa


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Today, odds are that you have had/have cancer, or know somebody who does. In Canada, approximately one million Canadians that were alive at the beginning of 2009 have had a cancer diagnosis in the previous 10 years. Two out of every five Canadians will develop cancer within their life time, and one in every four will die.(3) In the United States, one out of every two men, and one out of ever three women will become infected with cancer.

These rates have continued to skyrocket since we started recording them and more people are starting to ask questions and observe the environment we choose to surround ourselves with on a daily basis.

Despite these statistics, new research is emerging everyday that puts into question the only two approved treatments for cancer, which are radiation and chemotherapy. It seems we are approaching a time where the medical community will be forced to open up to new options when it comes to cancer treatment. After all, scientists have discovered that chemotherapy fuels cancer growth and kills the patient more quickly, yet nothing has been changed, both are extremely toxic to the human body.

A little known Chinese herb might be eligible for the growing list of cancer killers via alternative methods of treatment. According to  studies published  in Life Sciences, Cancer Letters and Anticancer Drugs, artemesinin, a derivative of the wormwood plant commonly used in Chinese medicine, can kill off  cancer cells, and do it at a rate of 12,000 cancer cells for every healthy cell. (0)

Henry Lai and his team of researchers from the University of Washington synthesized the compound, which uses a cancer cells appetite for iron to make them the target. The great thing about artemisinin is that alone it can selectively kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed.

“By itself, artemisinin is about 100 times more selective in killing cancer cells as opposed to normal cells. Artemisinin is 34,000 times more potent in killing the cancer cells as opposed to their normal cousins. So the tagging process appears to have greatly increased the potency of artemisinin’s cancer-killing properties.” – Henry Lai

Despite the compound being licensed to Holley Pharmaceuticals, it has yet to be used for cancer treatment in humans.

We call it a Trojan horse because the cancer cell recognizes transferrin as a natural, harmless protein. So the cell picks up the compound without knowing that a bomb (artemisinin) is hidden inside.”  – Henry Lai

The wormwood extract was used many centuries ago in China for healing purposes. The treatment became lost over time and has now been rediscovered thanks to an ancient manuscript containing medical remedies. It kills 12,000 cancer cells for every healthy cell, which means it could be turned into a drug with minimal side effects.

“The compound is currently being licensed by the University of Washington to Artemisia Biomedical Inc., a company that Lai, Sasaki and Narendra Singh, UW associate professor of bioengineering, founded in Newcastle, Washington for development and commercialization. Human trials are at least several years away. Artemisinin is readily available, Sasaki said, and he hopes their compound can eventually be cheaply manufactured to help cancer patients in developing countries.” (0)

The abstracts read:

“Artemisinin reacts with iron to form free radicals that kill cells. Since cancer cells uptake relatively larger amounts of iron than normal cells, they are more susceptible to the toxic effect of artemisinin. In previous research, we have shown that artemisinin is more drawn to cancer cells than to normal cells. In the present research, we covalently attached artemisinin to the iron-carying plasma glycoprotein transferrin.Transferrin is transported into the cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis and cancer cells express significantly more transferrin receptors on their cell surface and endocytose more transferrin than normal cells. Thus, we hypothesize that by tagging artemisinin to transferrin, both iron and artemisinin would be transported into cancer cells in one package. Once inside a cell, iron is released and can readily react with artemisinin close by tagged to the transferrin. This would enhance the toxicity and selectivity of artemisinin towards cancer cells. We found that holotransferrin-tagged artemisinin, when compared with artemisinin, was very potent and selective in killing cancer cells. Thus, this ‘tagged-compound’ could potentially be developed into an effective chemotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment.” (1)

Another abstract reads:

“Our results demonstrate that the artemisinin disruption of E2F1 transcription factor expression mediates the cell cycle arrest of human breast cancer cells and represents a critical transcriptional pathway by which artemisinin controls human reproductive cancer cell growth.” (2)

Artemisinin is currently FDA approved for the treatment of malaria, it’s very safe and easy to use. It’s inexpensive and works on all cancers but has yet to find it’s way into the mainstream. It’s really time to move beyond just radiation, surgery and chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer.







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