The Pharmaceutical Industry Do Not Want You To Know About This: Three Simple Ingredients That Treat Cancer!

Containing natural ingredients and likely to treat serious diseases like cancer this recipe is worth trying. The Brazilian priest Romano Zego was the first to prepare this recipe.

Here you can buy his book: Cancer Can Be Cured!

It contains only 3 ingredients : Aloe Vera, honey and alcohol. It is evident that major pharmaceutical companies do not want this kind of recipe to be spread in public , but it had really helped a lot of people suffering from cancer, so why not give it a try?

Ingredients needed:

  • 350 grams of fresh Aloe Vera leaves
  • 6 tablespoons of 40% alcohol (you can use vodka)
  • 500 grams of organic honey


First, take the Aloe Vera leaves, wash them and remove their thorns by  using a  towel. Then cut the leaves into small pieces and blend them with the alcohol and the honey. Blend until you get a solid mixture. After you have done this procedure put the mixture into a jar and place it into a fridge.

How to consume it?

You should take one tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

(Obtained permission from the content owner)




Recept , ki vsebujejo naravne sestavine in verjetno za zdravljenje hudih bolezni kot so rak, ta recept je vredno poskusiti. Brazilski duhovnik Romano Zego je bil prvi pripraviti ta recept.
Vsebuje samo 3 sestavine: Aloe Vera, medu in alkohola. Je razvidno, da velikih farmacevtskih družb ne želim te vrste recept, ki se širijo v javnosti, vendar je res pomagal veliko ljudi, ki trpijo zaradi raka, tako, zakaj ne izročiti to a začeti?
Sestavine, ki so potrebne:
350 gramov svežih listov Aloe Vera
6 žlic 40 % alkohola (uporabite vodka)
500 gramov organska medom
Prvič, Aloe Vera listov, jih operemo in njihovi trnje z uporabo brisačo. Nato cut listi na majhne koščke in jih mešanico z alkoholom in medu. Blend, dokler ne dobite trdne zmesi. Ko dokončate ta postopek Daj zmes v kozarce in postavimo v hladilnik.
Kako ga porabijo?
Vzemite eno žlico trikrat na dan pol ure pred jedjo.
Vir: (pridobitev dovoljenja lastnik vsebine)

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