Super naravni antibiotik, ki pozdravi okužbo mehurja in ledvic po prvi uporabi!

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Everyone by now has certainly had problems with urinary tract. Anyone who had a urinary tract infection knows how painful and persistent it can be. Constant need to urinate, even though you cannot urinate, and you feel pain and pressure.

Some natural antibiotics can effectively help you with the inflammation of the bladder. Get rid of the infections naturally, we present one of the most popular natural antibiotics that will eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon after the first treatment.

Every fifth woman gets inflammation of bladder infections each year caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli. But if you have symptoms of cystitis, then you should see a doctor. Symptoms of cystitis force you to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes and there are some very painful burning sensation when urinating, and you notice blood in the urine, back pain, fever or chills.

Natural antibiotic – recipe


250 grams of lemon peel
250 grams of parsley root
250 grams of honey
2 dl olive oil


Vsi do sedaj zagotovo je imela težave z sečil. Kdor je imel okužbe sečil ve kako boleče in vztrajno se. Stalna potreba po uriniranju, čeprav ne urinirate in čutiš bolečine in tlak.

Nekateri naravni antibiotiki lahko učinkovito pomagajo z vnetjem mehurja. Znebi infekcij seveda, vam predstavljamo eno od najbolj priljubljenih naravnih antibiotikov, ki bo odpravila ta neprijeten pojav po prvem zdravljenju.

Vsaka peta ženska dobi vnetje mehurja okužb vsako leto povzroča bakterija Escherichia coli. Vendar če imate simptomi cistitis, potem morate obiskati zdravnika. Simptomi cistitisa prisili, da gredo na stranišče vsakih 10 minut obstaja nekaj zelo boleče pekoč občutek pri uriniranju in opazite kri v urinu, bolečine v hrbtu, vročino ali mrzlico.

Naravni antibiotik – recept


250 gramov limonino lupino
250 gramov peteršiljeva korenina
250 gramov medu
2 dl oljčnega olja
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