An Anonymous Woman Shared The Recipe That Cured Her Cancer!

A woman from Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose name was not released, decided to share the recipe with which she cured cancer.

Namely, the recipe includes ginger and honey, which helped her come back to life, without pain. As the anonymous woman was diagnosed with cancer of the endocrine glands, she was connected to the apparatus for 20 days. She managed to cure herself without surgery and chemotherapy, as she claims, and now she is healthier than ever.

2 ginger roots
500 g of honey

To prepare this recipe, you need two ginger roots that need to be cleaned and blended. Mix the blended ginger with a pound of honey, which according to her, should be high quality and homemade.

Store the prepared mixture in glass jars.

Consume one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

The anonymous woman says that it is important to use plastic, ceramic or wooden spoon. Metal is strictly prohibited.

The first effect should be felt after two to three days, the mixture, according to the woman, “raised her from the dead.”

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Anonimni ženska skupno recept, ki Cured ji raka!

Ženska iz Bosne in Hercegovine, katerega ime ni izšla, se odločil deliti recept, s katerim je cured raka.

Namreč, recept vsebuje ingver in medu, ki je pomagal z njo prišel nazaj v življenje, brez bolečin. Kot anonimni ženska diagnosticirali raka endokrinih žlez, ona je bil povezan z aparaturo za 20 dni. Ona je uspelo ozdravi sama brez operacijo in kemoterapijo, saj ona trdi, in zdaj je bolj zdravo kot kdajkoli prej.

2 korenine ingverja
500 g medu

Pripraviti ta recept, potrebujete dva ingver korenine, ki jih je treba očistiti in meša. Mix mešano ingver z funt medu, ki je v skladu z njo, mora biti visoke kakovosti in domače.

Pripravljeno zmes shranjujte v steklenih kozarcih.

Porabijo eno žlico 3 – 4 krat na dan.

Anonimni ženska pravi, da je pomembno, da uporabite plastike, keramike ali leseno žlico. Metal je strogo prepovedana.

Prvi učinek je mogoče čutiti po dva do tri dni, mešanice, po žensko, “ji postavljeno od mrtvih.”

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