Poglej, kaj se zgodi, ko pijete vodo na prazen želodec
Prevod v slovenski jezik – prevaja BING – ORIGINAL JE SPODAJ
Ljudje na Japonskem ponavadi piti vodne pravice, ko se zbudijo. Številne študije so potrdile, da izkoristijo to navado. To jutro rutinsko je učinek zdravljenja in zagotavlja pozitivne rezultate glede različnih resne bolezni.
Ni dokazov, ki dokazujejo, da lahko pitje vode na tešče neverjetno koristna pri zdravljenju številnih bolezni, vključno z: glavobol, bolečine v katerem koli delu telesa, srčno-žilne bolezni in bolezni, tahikardija, epilepsijo, povečano maščobe v krvi, bronhitis, astma, tuberkuloza, meningitis, ledvic in sečil bolezni, bruhanje, gastritis, driska, hemoroide, sladkorna bolezen, zaprtje, oči in vida težave, bolezni maternice, menstrualne motnje , bolezni in pogoji izvršitev uho, nos, in grla.
Metode zdravljenja
Ko se zbudiš zjutraj, pred umivanjem zob, pitje 640 ml vode (4x160ml)
Umila zobe, ampak ne jesti ali piti ničesar v naslednjih 45 minut
Po 45 minutah lahko zajtrkujete vaše redne
Po zajtrk, kosilo in večerjo, ne jesti ali piti ničesar naslednji 2 uri
Starejše in bolne ljudi, ki ne morejo piti 4 kozarce vode na tešče je treba začeti s količino vode, svoje telo lahko sprejme, dokler se navaditi na priporočene količine, in poveča odmerek vsak dan, dokler ne prideš do potrebnih 640 ml vode.
Ta metoda vam bo pomagal, zdravljenje vsako zdravstveno stanje, lahko imate, in zdravo, na drugi strani, bi ljudje uživali to rutinsko zagotavlja energijo.
Koliko dni bi bilo zdravljenje sprejme?
Visok krvni tlak – 30 dni
Gastritis-10 dni
Diabetes – 30 dni
Zaprtje-10 dni
Tuberkuloza-90 dni
To bi bilo najbolje, če pitne vode postane vaše življenje trajno rutinsko. Na ta način boste zdravi in polni energije.
Pozor: Ljudje diagnosticirali artritis naj to metodo uporabili v prve tri dni v tednu, samo, potem bi prekinil za teden, in začeti znova, vendar tokrat vsak dan v tednu. Ta obravnava ne bo imel nobenih stranskih učinkov, razen pogosto uriniranje. Torej, piti vodo in ostanejo aktivni!
People in Japan usually drink water right after they wake up. Numerous studies have confirmed the advantage of this habit. This morning routine has healing effect and provides positive results regarding different serious diseases.
There is evidence proving that drinking water on an empty stomach can be amazingly helpful in treating numerous diseases, including: headache, pain in any part of the body, cardiovascular disorders and diseases, tachycardia, epilepsy, increased blood fat levels, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and urinary tract diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, eye and vision problems, uterine diseases, menstrual disorders, diseases and conditions effecting the ear, nose, and throat.
Treatment Methods
When you wake up in the morning, before brushing your teeth, drink 640 ml of water (4x160ml)
Brush your teeth, but do not eat nor drink anything in the next 45 minutes
After 45 minutes you can have your regular breakfast
After breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not eat nor drink anything in the next 2 hours
Older and sick people who are unable to drink 4 glasses of water on an empty stomach should start with the amount of water their body can accept, until they get used to the recommended amount, and increase the dose every day until they get to the necessary 640 ml of water.
This method will help you treat any health condition you may have, and healthy people, on the other hand, would enjoy the energy this routine provides.
How Many Days Should The Treatment Take?
High blood pressure – 30 days
Gastritis – 10 days
Diabetes – 30 days
Constipation – 10 days
Tuberculosis – 90 days
It would be best if drinking water becomes your life lasting routine. In that way you will be healthier and full of energy.
Attention: People diagnosed with arthritis should apply this method in the first three days of the week only, then make a break for a week, and start again, but this time every day of the week. This treatment will not have any side effects, except the frequent urination. So, drink water and stay active!