Očistite jetra s pitjem pijače iz ovsa

This recipe will help you cleanse your liver and your pancreas. It also regulates cholesterol and relieves constipation. Health experts say that it improves heart function and strengthens the nerve system.



  • 12 oz/ 350 ml water (hot)
  • 1.5 tbsp oats


Rinse the oats. Pour in a glass and a half of boiling water and leave it overnight, but not less than 12 hours.

Drain the water. Drink 1 glass (8 oz/ 230 ml) every morning and evening before you eat or drink anything. Drink it warm. For optimal results, drink this cleansing remedy for a year.




Ta recept bo pomagal osvoboditi jetra in trebušni slinavki. Tudi ureja holesterola in odpravlja zaprtje. Zdravstveni strokovnjaki pravijo, da se izboljša delovanje srca in krepi živčni sistem.
12 oz/350 ml vode (vroča)
1,5 žlice oves
Sperite oves. Nalijemo v kozarec in pol vrele vode in pusti čez noč, vendar ne manj kot 12 ur.
Odtok vode. Pijte 1 stekla (8 oz/230 ml) zjutraj in zvečer, preden boste jesti ali piti ničesar. Piti toplo. Za optimalne rezultate, piti to čiščenje sredstvo za eno leto.

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