Naše babice vedo najbolje: Tradicionalno zdravilo za astmo, bronhitis, kašelj & pljučne bolezni


Allergies, infections and smoking are the main factors that cause a certain type of lung disease or disorder. If you have lung problems, especially with bronchial or cardiac asthma, we recommend the following popular traditional remedy.


  • 1.1 lbs / ½ kg red onion
  • 1.1 lbs / ½ kg brown sugar
  • 2 medium sized lemons
  • 6 cups / 1.5 l water
  • 7 tbsp raw honey


Put the brown sugar in a big pot and hit it on a medium temperature. Stir until you get beautiful nice golden color. Next, add the previously chopped onions. Cook for another couple of minutes and add the water afterwards.

Let the mixture boil until there is only one third of the water left in the pot. After that, let the mixture cool down. In a meantime, squeeze the juice out of one lemon. Add the honey and lemon juice into the mixture and give it a good stir. Let the mixture stand still overnight. Transfer the liquid in a glass bottle the next morning.

How to consume this medicine:

Consume one tablespoon of the mixture before and after a meal. Repeat this procedure until your lung’s condition is better. Children should consume one teaspoon of this medicine before every meal.

Sources: Healthy Food HouseFashionmg-Style.




Alergije, okužbe in kajenja so glavni dejavniki, ki povzročajo določene vrste pljučne bolezni ali motnje. Če imate težave pljuč, še posebej z bronhialno ali srčna astma, priporočamo priljubljena tradicionalno pravno sredstvo.
1.1 lbs/½ kg rdeče čebule
1.1 lbs/½ kg rjavega sladkorja
2 srednje velika limone
6 skodelic/1,5 l vode
7 žlica surovega medu
Put sladkorja rjave v velik lonec in ga udaril na srednjo temperaturo. Mešamo, dokler ne dobite lepo lepo zlato barvo. Nato dodamo prej sesekljano čebulo. Kuhamo še nekaj minut in nato dodamo vodo.
Pustite mešanico vreti, dokler ne obstaja samo ena tretjina vode, ki ostane v lonec. Po tem, naj se mešanica ohladi. V vmesnem času, stisnite sok iz ene limone. Dodamo medu in limonin sok v mešanico in ji dobro mešamo. Pustimo stati še čez noč. Prenesite tekočino v steklenice naslednje jutro.
Kako uživati to zdravilo:
Porabijo eno žlico mešanice pred in po obroku. Ta postopek ponavljajte, dokler vaš pljučno bolezen je bolje. Otroci naj porabijo eno žličko tega zdravila pred vsak obrok.
Viri: Zdrava hrana House, Fashionmg slogu.

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