MOČAN ANTIBIOTIK IZ SAMO DVEH SESTAVIN – prevod z Googlom je pod angleškim besedilom
This natural antibiotic has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, kills all bacteria and disease causing agents.
The advantage is that unlike synthetic antibiotics, it causes no adverse effects on intestinal and digestive system, which means it is completely reliable.
Turmeric is the first compound that contains active ingredients with over 150 therapeutic properties, among which are anti-carcinogen, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
Using the combination of honey and turmeric, you will improve digestion and increase the number of good bacteria in the intestines.
- 100g homemade honey
- 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
Mix all ingredients together until you get a homogenous mixture and pour it in a glass jar.
How to use this natural antibiotic?
Once you notice symptoms of a cold, consume this medicine as it follows:
1 day – take half a teaspoon every hour.
Day 2 – take half a teaspoon every two hours.
3 day – take half a teaspoon 3 times a day.
It is desirable not to swallow the medicine, but melt it in the mouth.
If you do not like its taste, you can always add warm milk or tea to the mixture.
-najbolj-močan naraven antibiotik-s-samo-2-sestavinami1
Prednost je, da za razliko od sintetičnih antibiotikov, da ne povzroča škodljivih vplivov na črevesno in prebavnega sistema, kar pomeni, da je popolnoma zanesljiv.
Kurkuma je prva spojina, ki vsebuje aktivne sestavine z več kot 150 terapevtske lastnosti, med katerimi so anti-rakotvoren, protivnetno in antioksidant.
S kombinacijo medu in kurkuma, boste izboljšali prebavo in povečati število dobrih bakterij v črevesju.
100g domače medu
1 žlica kurkuma v prahu
Zmešamo vse sestavine skupaj, dokler ne dobite homogeno zmes in jo vlijemo v stekleni kozarec.
Kako uporabljati ta naravni antibiotik?
Ko opazite simptome prehlada, porabijo to zdravilo, kot sledi:
1 dan – traja pol čajne žličke vsako uro.
2. dan – vzemite pol čajne žličke vsaki dve uri.
3. dan – traja pol čajne žličke 3-krat dnevno.
Zaželeno je, da ne pogoltniti zdravilo, vendar stopijo v ustih.
Če vam ni všeč okus, lahko vedno dodamo toplo mleko ali čaj v mešanici.
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