Let Your Wrinkles Disappear with This Amazing Face Toner

We present you a recipe for a home-made natural face toner that you will benefit from during the fight against getting old.
Let Your Wrinkles Vanish with This Incredible Face Toner
Ingredients needed:
- 1 lemon
- ½ glass of beer
- ½ glass of rose water
Get lemon juice from squeezed lemon then add the beer and rose water and make a mixture
Spread over the mixture on your face. In order to do this, use a cotton ball.
Wait for some time, so that it releases its magic. You should apply the face toner just before you go to bed and leave it overnight if you want better results.
The following morning, your skin will be smoother, more elastic, and softer.
– See more at: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/let-your-wrinkles-disappear-with-this-amazing-face-toner/#sthash.ezQFoCd0.dpuf