Kako se znebiti celulita Z Homemade Coffee Scrub – prevedel je google – original je pod slo. besedilom

Kaj vse ženske želijo, je, da bo lepa in zapeljiva, kar pomeni, da imajo vitko postavo in biti fit. Da bi dobili videz Sanjajo o tem, vsi imajo nekaj lepotnih režimov in jih vaditi vsak dan. Ampak, po mojem informiranega mnenja, številka ena stvar, ki vse vzletno-pristajalne steze modeli in navadne ženske enako radi, da se znebite je grdo celulit.

To je zato, ker celulit pokvari celotno tesen in gladek videz kože. In vsi vemo, da bodo vsi urice v telovadnici končajo neuporabna, če boste še vedno videli tiste celulitne jamice na noge. Torej, zakaj ne bi nekaj storiti glede tega? To vam bo le nekaj minut, da bo vaše sanje uresničile. Medtem ko imajo svoj tuš, greš na kavo, čistilne pohodu in hodi celulita brezplačno!

Ker je pomlad je v zraku, in poletje je tik za vogalom, je odličen recept, da bo vaš celulit izginil dovolj hitro. Vse sestavine v tem kave grmišča so združeni v ukrepu, ki deluje kot antioksidant in piling vaše kože, medtem ko ga držimo dobro navlažena.

Zakaj bi svoj kavni piling namesto nakupa enega od lokalni trgovini?

Najlažji način, da se ukvarjajo z vašo grozno celulita bi kupiti ready-made piling polno kemikalij in upanje na čudež. Toda namesto nered vašo kožo in telo s kemikalijami, ki se ne bo pomagal, uporabite to naravno kavni piling osvoboditi svojo kožo vseh strupov. To vas bo le 15 minut za pripravo pilinga, in bo tudi stalo manj denarja, kot umetno eno.


Ta kava rub zahteva le enostavne in naravne sestavine, ki jih že imate doma, ampak ravno ti pritrdilni bo prinesla dobre rezultate na dolgi rok.

Prav tako bi rad omenil, da je vonj čistilno je neverjetno! Zato s svojim gel za prhanje potem je samo opcija.

Kaj potrebujete, je:

1 skodelico grobe mlete kave (bogata z antioksidanti, protivnetno sestavina)
6 žlic kokosovega olja (pa vlaži kožo in odstrani odmrle kožne celice)
3 žlice grobe morske soli (piling)
Empty jar
Naravnih vlaken krtača (neobvezno)

* Je vedno priporočljivo uporabiti organskih sestavin, da bi dosegli boljše rezultate.


Ukrep vse suhe sestavine in jih zmešamo v veliki skledi. Stopite kokosovo olje v mikrovalovno pečico, če je v trdnem stanju, in jo dodamo v mešanico. Potem spet vse skupaj premešamo, da dobite homogeno zmes. Vsebino v prazen kozarec. In tam imaš DIY kave piling!


Če ste že sami dobavi z naravnim čopičem vlaken, upoštevajte ta postopek:

Preden se tuširal, rahlo umila problematične dele telesa, da bi piling kože. S tem predhodno suho ščetkanje boste povečali pretok krvi in ​​jasno kožo odmrlih celic. Mnogi modeli, zlasti Miranda Kerr, so spodbujale ta armaturno pred čistilno korak pred uporabo zelo pilinga. Če nimate naravno krtačo vlaken pri roki, nato pa preprosto skočiti na naslednji korak:
V tuš kabina, uporablja svoj kavni piling in kožo močno masirajte s krožnimi gibi. Imajo vročo prho, da pomaga odpreti pore kože. Po scrub’n’shower stvari, ki jih lahko namažete kokosovo olje na kožo, če postane rdeča ali razdražena zaradi povečanega pretoka krvi. Ponovite ta piling vsak dan in boste dobili vaš plaža pripravljen telo do konca pomladi!

– Preberite več na: http://www.dietoflife.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-with-a-homemade-coffee-scrub-2/#sthash.qz5HLdqD.dpuf

*******************originalno besedilo**********************

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite With A Homemade Coffee Scrub

What all women want is to be beautiful and seductive, which means to have a slim figure and to be fit. In order to get the look they dream about, they all have some beauty regimes and practice them daily. But, in my informed opinion, the number one thing that all runway models and ordinary women alike want to get rid of is the nasty cellulite.

It is so because cellulite ruins the entire tight and smooth look of the skin. And we all know that all hours spent in the gym will end up useless if you still see those cellulite dimples on your legs. So, why not do something about it? It will take you only a few minutes to make your dream come true. While having your shower, you just go on a coffee-scrub spree and walk cellulite free!

Since spring is in the air, and summer is just around the corner, there is an excellent recipe that will make your cellulite disappear quickly enough. All the ingredients in this coffee scrub are combined in a measure that acts as an antioxidant and exfoliates your skin while keeping it well moisturized.

Why make your own coffee scrub instead of buying one from the local store?

The easiest way to deal with your terrible cellulite would be to buy a ready-made scrub full of chemicals and hope for a miracle. But instead of cluttering your skin and body with chemicals which will not help, use this natural coffee scrub to free your skin of all the toxins. It will take you just 15 minutes to prepare the scrub, and it will also cost you less money than the artificial one.


This coffee rub only requires simple and natural ingredients you already have at home, but exactly these fixings will yield good results in the long run.

I would also like to mention that the scrub’s smell is amazing! Therefore, using your shower gel afterwards is only optional.

What you need is:

1 cup of coarse ground coffee (rich in antioxidants, an anti-inflammatory ingredient)
6 tablespoons of coconut oil (it hydrates the skin and removes dead skin cells)
3 tablespoons of coarse sea salt (exfoliates)
Empty jar
Natural fiber brush (optional)

*It is always recommended to use organic ingredients in order to achieve better results.


Measure out all the dry ingredients and mix them in a large bowl. Melt the coconut oil in a microwave if it is in a solid state, and add it to the mix. Then mix everything again together to get a homogeneous mixture. Put the contents into the empty jar. And there you have a DIY coffee scrub!


If you have already supplied yourself with a natural fiber brush, follow this procedure:

Before taking a shower, lightly brush your problematic parts of the body in order to exfoliate the skin. By this prior dry brushing you increase your blood flow and clear your skin of dead cells. Many models, especially Miranda Kerr, have promoted this reinforcing pre-scrub step before applying the very scrub. If you don’t have a natural fiber brush at hand, then simply jump to the next step:
In the shower cubicle, apply your coffee scrub and massage your skin vigorously with circular movements. Have a hot shower to help open up the pores of the skin. After the scrub’n’shower thing, you can apply some coconut oil on the skin if it gets red or irritated because of the increased blood flow. Repeat this peeling daily and you will get your beach-ready body by the end of the spring!

– See more at: http://www.dietoflife.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-with-a-homemade-coffee-scrub-2/#sthash.qz5HLdqD.dpuf

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