Je pila korenčkov sok vsak dan 8 mesecev: Ne boste verjeli, kaj se je zgodilo …
Ann Cameron je avtor številnih knjig za otroke, vendar je v tej zgodbi ona je glavni lik. Postala je še bolj znan po diagnozi raka na debelem črevesu … Imela je operacijo junija 2012, ko je bolezen vstopila v tretjo fazo. To ni bil njen prvi stik s to kruto boleznijo. Njen mož je umrl leta 2005 za rakom na pljučih, kljub kemoterapiji. Ann zanikal, da gredo po isti poti, kot je to storil in je zavrnila kemoterapijo. Je povedala svojo zgodbo na blogu Chris bije raka, kjer so ljudje, ki so iskali / najti alternativne načine zdravljenja raka pripovedujejo svoje zgodbe. “V juniju 2012, sem bil izpostavljen operaciji raka na debelem črevesu, in potem, da sem zavrnil zdravljenje s kemoterapijo. Vsak dan sem se počutila bolje, vendar po šestih mesecih študije kontrole so pokazale, da se je rak razširil na pljuča in rak debelega črevesa, vstopila v četrto fazo, “je povedal Cameron. Ona trdi, da ji je posvetil svoj čas na raziskovanje skozi in prišel čez zgodbo Ralph Cole, ki se je z diagnozo kožnega raka pri 26 letih in v skladu s svojo zgodbo sam cured, ki jih porabijo dnevno sok narejen iz 2,5 kilogramov korenja. Ona je odločila, da po njegovih stopinjah in začel piti korenčkov sok vsak dan ob enakomerno se daje skozi ves dan. Kot ona trdi, po osmih tednih medicinske študije so pokazale, da se je rak ustavili širjenje, tumorji začeli zmanjševati, kot tudi otekanje limfnih žlez. Po štirih mesecih so žleze nazaj na normalno in rak še naprej umakniti. Po osmih mesecih, računalniški tomografiji je pokazala, da je rak izginil. Skrivnost, očitno je, da je korenčkov sok bogat z maščobnega alkohola in lastnosti proti raku, naravni pesticidov in karoten iz korenja deluje preventivno na ustvarjanje tumorskih celic. Ann Cameron po svoji izkušnji napisala knjigo zdravljenja raka s korenjem, ki jih je mogoče kupiti na Amazon. *********************ORIGINAL*****************************************
She Drank Carrot Juice Every Day For 8 Months: You Won’t Believe What Happened…
Ann Cameron is the author of many books for children, but in this story she is the main character. She became even more famous after being diagnosed with colon cancer…
She had an operation in June 2012, when the disease entered the third stage. It was not her first encounter with this cruel disease. Her husband died in 2005 of lung cancer despite chemotherapy.
Ann denied to go the same route as he did and refused chemotherapy.
She told her story on the blog Chris beats cancer, where people who have sought / found alternative ways of treating cancer tell their stories.
“In June 2012, I was subjected to surgery for colon cancer, and after that I refused chemotherapy treatment. Every day I felt better, but after six months the control studies revealed that the cancer had spread to the lungs, and colon cancer, entered the fourth stage, ” told Cameron.
She claims that she dedicated her time on researching through and came across the story of Ralph Cole who was diagnosed with skin cancer at 26 years and according to his story he cured himself by consuming daily juice made of 2.5 kilograms of carrots.
She decided to follow in his footsteps and began to drink carrot juice every day taking evenly doses throughout the day.
As she claims, after eight weeks the medical studies revealed that the cancer had stopped spreading, the tumors began to shrink, as well as swelling in the lymph glands.
After four months glands were back to normal and the cancer has continued to retreat.
After eight months, computed tomography scan showed that the cancer had disappeared.
The secret, apparently, is that carrot juice is rich in fatty alcohol and natural pesticide anticancer properties, and carotene from carrots acts preventive on creation of tumor cells.
Ann Cameron after his experience wrote a book Curing cancer with carrots, which can be purchased on Amazon.