Here are 11 amazing ways to help you feel like the superhuman you are.

1. Make a list of the things that make you happy – Do them

2. Make a list of the foods that make you feel great – Eat them

3. Light some candles and listen to your favourite music

4. Tap it out using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

5. Go to a yoga class

6. Sweat – use the sauna or get some exercise

7. Get a massage or give yourself a head-to-toe oil or lotion massage

8. Get out nature

9. Focus on small tasks that you can complete rather than feeling overwhelmed with the larger picture

10. Spend some time with babies or kids

11. Get clarity through contrast – write out all the things in life you DON’T want including how you don’t want to feel, look or be then write out all the things in life that you DO want including how you want to feel, look and be. Day to-day focus on what you do want and bring energy to this. Don’t waste your time or energy on what you don’t want.


1. Naredite seznam stvari, ki bi jo z veseljem – Ali jih

2. Naredite seznam živil, ki se boste počutili veliko – jih jejte

3. Svetlobni nekaj sveč in poslušate svojo najljubšo glasbo

4. Dotaknite se ga s pomočjo EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

5. Pojdite na jogo razred

6. Sweat – uporabo savne in dobili nekaj vadbe

7. Get masažo ali pa si privoščite masažo head-to-toe olje ali losjon

8. Ven naravo

9. Osredotočite se na majhne naloge, ki jih lahko namesto dokončanje počutite preobremenjeni z večjo sliko

10. Preživite nekaj časa z dojenčkom ali otrokom

11. Get jasnost skozi nasprotno – izpišite vse stvari v življenju nočete vključno s tem, kako si ne želite, da se počutijo, poglej, ali lahko potem napišite vse stvari v življenju, ki bi želeli tudi, kako želite, da se počutijo , videti in biti. Dan za dnem osredotočiti na tisto, kar bi želeli in prinašajo energijo za to. Ne izgubljajte časa ali energije, na tisto, kar ne želite.

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