Fotografija osebe Martina Horvat.

Make Your Skin Shine In Only 15 Min With This Incredible All Face Types Mask – prevod v slovenščino je spodaj

If you had enough from tan problems, dry skin, skin peeling, acne, pimples, pores we bring you a recipe for an incredible mask which will make your skin glow.
If you use it regularly your skin will become firm, glowing, smooth and your wrinkles will decrease and inflammation will disappear.

Recipe for incredible face mask:


2 tbsp of cereals or oatmeal
1 tea bag – chamomile or chopped chamomile flower
100-150 ml boiling water or milk

Process of preparation:

Take the chamomile out of the bag (or chopped chamomile flower).

Mix it with cereals or oatmeal (you will need to grind the cereals).

Add 100-150 ml boiling water or milk.

Leave it for several minutes in order to turn into thick mixture.

While still hot (be careful not to burn yourself) apply a thicker layer on your clean face.

In order to prevent the mask from falling from your face put gauze on it.

Remove the mask after 15 min and wash your face with warm water.

Your face will be baby-like. The redness disappears; the skin becomes healthier, smooth, soft and firm.

Use this mask incredible mask regularly and you will never again have tan problems.

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Če ste imeli dovolj od tan težave, suha koža, luščenje kože, akne, mozolji, pore vam prinašamo recept za neverjetno masko, ki bo vaše kože sijaj.

Če ga uporabljate redno bo vaša koža postane čvrsta, sijoča, gladka in vaše gube se bo zmanjšala in vnetje izgine.


Recept za neverjetno masko:


2 žlici žit ali ovsenih kosmičev
1 čajno vrečko – kamilica ali sesekljan kamilica cvet
100-150 ml vrele vode ali mleka

Postopek priprave:

Vzemite kamilico iz vrečke (ali narezana kamiličnega cveta).

Ga zmešamo z žiti ali ovsena kaša (boste morali zmleti žita).

Dodaj 100-150 ml vrele vode ali mleka.

Pustimo nekaj minut, da se spremeni v gosto zmes.

Medtem ko še vedno vroče (bodite previdni, da se ne opečeš) uporabiti debelejši sloj na očiščen obraz.

Da bi preprečili masko zaradi padca iz vašega obraza dal gazo na njem.

Odstranite masko po 15 minut in umijte obraz s toplo vodo.

Vaš obraz bo-dojenček podobno. Rdečina izgine; Koža postane bolj zdrava, gladka, mehka in čvrsta.

Redno uporabljajo to masko neverjetno masko in nikoli ne boste spet tan težave.


Anti-Wrinkles Cream With Honey – 2000 Years Old Greek Recipe
3 weeks ago 0 Comments


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You don’t have to waste money for buying different creams for your skin when you can make it at home, from natural ingredients, according to one 2000 year old Greek recipe.

8 tablespoons of beeswax – grated
1 tablespoon of honey
½ cup of rose water
200 ml of almond oil


Melt the beeswax, honey and almond oil on a low fire.

When the ingredients are melted and well mixed, put them away and let them cool just a little.

After that, add the water, one drop at a time, and stir it constantly until it becomes homogenous.

When this mixture cools completely, place it into a glass jar and close it tightly. Use his cream against wrinkles and for removing makeup.


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Anti-Gube krema z medom – 2000 Years Old Greek Recipe
3 tedni 0 Komentarji


Prejšnja člen Naslednji članek


Nimate zapravljati denarja za nakup različne kreme za vašo kožo, če si lahko to doma, iz naravnih sestavin, po eni 2000 let starem grškem receptu.

8 žlici čebeljega voska – nariban
1 žlica medu
½ skodelice vode rose
200 ml mandljevega olja


Stopite čebelji vosek, medu in mandljevega olja na majhnem ognju.

Ko se sestavine stopijo in dobro premešamo, da jih proč in jim dovoliti, da se ohladi le malo.

Po tem, dodamo vodo, eno kapljico v času, in jo mešamo ves čas, dokler ne postane homogena.

Ko je ta mešanica popolnoma ohladi, ga postavite v steklen kozarec in ga zaprite tesno. Uporabite svojo kremo proti gubam in za odstranjevanje ličila.


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